Quotations / Estimates
JobPro Central has the ability to create a quotations, estimates and proposals from the customer, contact or enquiry modules. You can even produce a quotation from within an existing job. Quotes can be emailed or printed directly from the system. There are customisations to this module available on request, such as automatically following up a quotation with an SMS message to your prospect or customer.
- Products can have multiple suppliers and multiple locations.
- Track stock quantities by identity (an identity can be set as a company, branch, department , office or Store within JobPro Central) and/or location.
- Line items can be entered from the product library or simply freely typed in to the quote line.
- Assign products to customizable categories and sub categories.
- Quote records can be duplicated(version tracking), amended or turned into a job, sales order, sales invoice or purchase order.
- Users can create quotation requests to suppliers directly from quotation line items.
- Jobs can be created from a quotation and if relevant the assembly or ‘bill of materials’ details for products to be assembled can be auto generated on the job where assembly sheets can be printed.
- Complete budgets can be generated when converting a quotation into a job to allow for complete control of costs when managing the job/project. Budgets are generated under custom categories that the user can define.
- Users can also link related documents to quotations.
- Track commission for every quote approved based on the sale or profit amount or just on an entered value.
- Pricing specific to each customer is applied during quote generation.
- Quotations / estimates can be printed or emailed (as a PDF) in any currency and in multiple languages.
- There are various reporting and customisation options available.