Apple Resellers

If you are an Apple Reseller or Service Provider come and talk to us about how JobPro can help run your business. JobPro now integrates with GSX and can pull back warranty information to enable you to create a repair job. JobPro can act as the ‘hub’ of your business allowing your B2B and consumer sales to flow directly from JobPro. With everything in JobPro we can setup integration with many well know accounting packages such as Xero, Quickbooks, MYOB and Sage.

Out of the box JobPro can handle multiple stores and multiple physical locations per store all under the one legal entity. If your stores are spread across multiple legal entities that is not a problem as JobPro comes with multi company as standard too! Upcoming functionality includes point of sale integration, stock reservation, generation of purchase orders based on sales orders or re-order points, aggregation of purchase order requirements onto a single active purchase order to a supplier.