Budgeting and Cost Tracking

Budgeting and cost tracking is essential to measure job performance. JobPro Central puts all elements necessary for cost and budget management of your jobs at your disposal and provides a clear and accurate picture of job status.


  • Ability to create job budget lines by product or service category when creating a job from a quotation.
  • Create actuals against budgets by issuing purchase orders, creating time logs, using resources (chargeable locations, company assets and chargeable contacts) and incurring expenses (from product library or miscellaneous expenses).
  • Track task budgeted time in hours against time logs entered against those tasks in the system.
  • Time log budgets can be further split out into employee type time.
  • Ability to create or add budget lines manually on a job.
  • Set time log warnings to email job manager or inform user that total time on job has exceeded a set threshold.